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General Information

Wisconsin Certified Local Government Historic Preservation Commissions Report 2019

A study sponsored by the Jeffris Family Foundation
General Information

2023 Subgrant Awards to Wisconsin Certified Local Governments

Instructions for consultants interested in federally funded subgrant projects.
General Information

Certified Local Government (CLG) Historic Preservation Program in Wisconsin

Learn about the Certified Local Government program and how it is administered in Wisconsin.
General Information

How Does My Community Become a Certified Local Government (CLG)?

Learn about the four-step application process and how to maintain CLG status.
General Information

How to Apply for Historic Preservation Fund Subgrants for Certified Local Governments

Find instructions and forms for Certified Local Governments to apply for subgrant funds.
General Information

Certified Local Government (CLG) Subgrant Application Evaluation Criteria

Subgrant Criteria for Federal Fiscal Year 2022
See the criteria used to review and rate CLG subgrant applications.

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