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Historical Object

Presidential Political Campaign Buttons

Date: 1984
Description: Three presidential political campaign buttons for Ronald Reagan and George Bush. The top button reads: "Cubans for Reagan Bush '84." The middle button read...
Historical Object

Presidental Political Campaign Button

Description: A presidential political campaign button with a white background and blue text that reads: "Lyndon B. Johnson for Ex-President."
Historical Object

Presidential Political Campaign Buttons

Description: Three presidential political campaign buttons. The button on the top left is white with red text and reads: "Bush and Swaggart." The button at bottom left ...
Historical Object

MacArthur for President Tag

Date: 1948
Description: Small button tag on a string promoting "Republican, General Douglas MacArthur for President."
Historical Object

Presidental Political Campaign Button

Description: A political campaign button with a head and shoulders portrait of Dwight D. Eisenhower on a red, white and blue shield on a white background. The text read...
Historical Object

Presidential Political Campaign Buttons

Description: Two presidential political campaign buttons for George McGovern and Thomas Eagleton. The lower left button is blue and white and reads: "McGovern / Eagleto...
Historical Object

Presidential Political Campaign Buttons

Description: A presidential political campaign button for Ronald Reagan and George Bush. The button has a red and blue border that surrounds a black and white head and ...
Historical Object

Presidential Political Campaign Buttons

Description: Five assorted rectangular presidential political campaign buttons for Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Al Gore. One button is white with a blue stripe th...
Historical Object

FDR Campaign Pin

Date: 1936
Description: Campaign button for Franklin Delano Roosevelt, with Roosevelt's image at the center and the phrase "Carry on with Roosevelt" around the outer edge.
Historical Object

Presidental Political Campaign Ephemera

Description: Reflector and button for Wendell Willkie's political campaign. The metal reflector on the left is red, and has a "Win with Willkie" sign with white text on...
Historical Object

Presidental Political Campaign Buttons

Date: 1964
Description: A card with the title: "Presidential Campaign Buttons-1964 Goldwater-Miller. Includes 26 buttons, all with the same portraits of Goldwater-Miller, along wi...
Historical Object

Presidential Political Campaign Buttons

Description: Six assorted presidential political campaign buttons for Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Bob Dole. One button is green and yellow (or gold), and has an oval shap...
Historical Object

Presidential Political Campaign Buttons

Date: 1992
Description: One presidential political campaign button for Bill Clinton. It has a blue background with a black and white portrait of President Harry S. Truman holding ...
Historical Object

Presidential Political Campaign Emphemera

Description: Five presidential political campaign buttons for Michael Dukakis. The button at the top is white with blue text that reads: "Dukakis Bentsen," and includes...
Historical Object

Presidential Political Campaign Buttons

Description: An assortment of presidential political campaign buttons and stickers for John Kerry and John Edwards. One button uses gold and red stripes that alternate ...
Historical Object

Presidential Political Campaign Buttons

Description: Two presidential political campaign stickers and one button for Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro. One sticker is blue with white text and reads: "Monda...
Historical Object

Presidential Political Campaign Buttons

Description: Two presidential political campaign buttons for Jimmy Carter. The button on top has a green circular border around a black and white portrait of Jimmy Cart...
Historical Object

Presidental Political Campaign Ephemera

Description: An assortment of presidential political campaign ephemera; four political buttons and one credit card for George Bush and Dick Cheney. One button is stripe...
Historical Object

Presidential Political Campaign Buttons

Date: 2004
Description: Framed assortment of campaign buttons for John Kerry and running mate John Edwards, and George W. Bush and running mate Dick Cheney. One button shows a rin...
Historical Object

Presidental Political Campaign Ephemera

Description: An assortment of four political campaign items for John F. Kennedy. At top left is a printed sign with blue text on white that reads: "Kennedy is the Remed...

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