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Dudgeon PTA Actors

Date: 02 16 1932
Description: Casts of two one-act plays presented by the Dudgeon School Parent Teachers Association in the West High School Auditorium. Plays staged were "The Trysting ...

Obey and Audrey Hepburn

Description: Actress Audrey Hepburn, then a representative of UNICEF, visiting Wisconsin Congressman David R. Obey in his office. She was in Washington to testify on be...

Theater Guild Opens Season

Date: 09 1959
Description: Carol Bryant, Robert Rancourt and Nancy Fowlkes act out a scene from "The Cold Wind and the Warm", the opening play of the Madison Theater Guild season pre...

YWCA Theater Class Play

Date: 03 11
Description: Dressed for the final rehearsal for the "Evening of Fine Arts" presentation are YWCA theater class students, foreground, left to right, Mary Ellen Weaver, ...

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