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Marquette School 202 Club

Date: 04 19 1951
Description: Group portrait of third grade members of the "202" club at Marquette School after they presented a dramatization of "Cinderella" for parents and other Marq...

Madison Woman's Club Play

Date: 02 06 1952
Description: Two costumed actresses pose in front of a statue of Christ. Phyllis Brinkley, left, and Helen O'Brien, right, are lead players in "The Piper," a play prese...

Madison Woman's Club Play

Date: 05 08 1952
Description: Five women in costume, acting in a scene from "Gay Nineties," a skit written by Lorraine Rucker for the Drama and History departments of the Madison Woman'...

Madison Woman's Club Christmas Play

Date: 11 30 1952
Description: Pictured are the women who will take part in the Madison Woman's Club one-act Christmas play "Good Will Toward Woman". This play is presented by the drama ...

Madison Woman's Club Birthday Party

Date: 04 19 1954
Description: One of a series of scenes from a dramatic production: "Down Memory Lane," presented in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Madison W...

Madison Woman's Club Birthday Party

Date: 04 19 1954
Description: One of a series of scenes from the dramatic production "Down Memory Lane", presented in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Madison ...

Madison Woman's Club Birthday Party

Date: 04 19 1954
Description: One of a series of scenes from the dramatic production "Down Memory Lane", presented in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Madison ...

Madison Woman's Club Birthday Party

Date: 04 18 1954
Description: One of a series of scenes from the dramatic production "Down Memory Lane," presented in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Madison ...

University of Wisconsin Dames Club Variety Show

Date: 04 07 1959
Description: A group of girls acts out a scene from a variety show put on by University of Wisconsin Dames Club units. The Lakeside Ladies enact "Wholesale Jeopardy", a...

University of Wisconsin Dames Club Variety Show

Date: 04 07 1959
Description: A scene from a variety show is put on by University of Wisconsin Dames Club units. Actresses in a comedy-tragedy, "Apologies to the Greeks", given by the V...

We Saw You at Drama Institute

Date: 12 12 1959
Description: Drama Institute in Madison drew hundreds of high school thespians from all over the state. Members of the South Milwaukee High School Drama Club. Left to R...

Scene From Madison Theatre Guild's "The Puppet Prince"

Date: 03 09 1961
Description: Sylvia Grunes raises a hammer threateningly towards O.J. Thompto during a performance of "The Puppet Prince." Grunes plays the Leprechaun and Thompto plays...

UW Dames Drama Club Presentations

Date: 04 25 1961
Description: Members of the cast of a skit to be presented by the UW Dames Club drama group at the Wisconsin Union Theater stand together in costume. Left to right: Dix...

Junior Women's Club Production

Date: 04 25 1961
Description: Group portrait of four members of the "Roaring '20's" portion of the Junior Woman's Club's original production which is being presented to a number of orga...

Play at Marine Club

Date: 04 03 1941
Description: Group of people on stage at Marine Club.

Marine Club Entertainment

Date: 1941
Description: Actors on stage at Marine Club. "Lazy K." Blackfriars.

"Shadow and Substance"

Date: 1942
Description: Blackfriars Guild theater group puts on "Shadow and Substance." Actors on stage.

"Shadow and Substance"

Date: 01 27 1942
Description: Blackfriar's "Shadow and Substance." Two actors on stage.

Women's Club of Madison Presents "Man and His God"

Date: 04 21 1957
Description: The Madison Women's Club presents the original play "Man and His God" to raise money for scholarships. A group from Beth El Temple rehearsing a scene in wh...

Women's Club of Madison Presents "Man and His God"

Date: 04 16 1957
Description: Madison Women's Club presents an original play "Man and His God" to raise money for scholarships. Appearing as Adam and Eve (left) are Richard Aukerma of 6...

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