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Little Rascals with International Harvester Cream Separator

Date: 1930
Description: Cast members from the early 20th century film series "Little Rascals" pose in and around an International Harvester cream separator with their dog.

Christopher Columbus Play

Date: 11 28 1933
Description: Four children in costume surround a cardboard cutout of a sailing ship for a play about Christopher Columbus. The play was performed at Longfellow School, ...

"Flying Fleet" Publicity Still

Date: 1929
Description: Publicity shot for "Flying Fleet," an MGM motion picture release starring Ramon Navarro and Anita Paige. The Navy aircraft on which the actors are posed is...

"Test Pilot"

Date: 1938
Description: A publicity still featuring the lead actors in "Test Pilot," an MGM 1938 motion picture release. "Test Pilot" was the story of a reckless commercial test p...

"Men with Wings"

Date: 1938
Description: Beaver Dam's favorite son Fred MacMurray (right) co-starred with Ray Milland and Louise Campbell in "Men with Wings," a 1938 Paramount release that traced ...

Edgewood High School Play, "Mummy and the Mumps"

Date: 05 04 1944
Description: Ten student actors and actresses in costume on stage for "Mummy and the Mumps" at Edgewood High School 2206 Monroe Street.

Helen Hayes at Edgewood College

Date: 02 24 1942
Description: Helen Hayes and Sister Marie Aileen Klein, Dean of the College, with a group of Edgewood College students.

Cast of "Bolt Your Houses"

Date: 10 13 1940
Description: Cast of "Bolt Your Houses" on stage in a scene from the play.

Cast & Staff of "Bolt Your Houses"

Date: 10 13 1940
Description: Group portrait of cast and staff of "Bolt Your Houses" on stage.

University of Wisconsin-Madison Spanish Department

Date: 05 11 1937
Description: Group portrait of University of Wisconsin-Madison Spanish Department cast of "La Careta Verde" on stage in Bascom Hall.

Badger Theater Group

Date: 01 20 1934
Description: Group portrait of three women and two men who are in the Badger theater group in Mt. Horeb participating in the Dane County rural drama tournament. Left to...

Martha Washington Tableau

Date: 02 22 1932
Description: The John Bell Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution present a tableau of Martha Washington's life at the Hotel Loraine for the bicentennial o...

Dudgeon PTA Actors

Date: 02 16 1932
Description: Casts of two one-act plays presented by the Dudgeon School Parent Teachers Association in the West High School Auditorium. Plays staged were "The Trysting ...

Mazomanie Rural Club Play Cast

Date: 01 20 1932
Description: Mazomanie Rural Club play cast, winner of the Dane County rural drama contest, on stage at the Mt. Horeb High School.

Pierceville Mothers' Club Players

Date: 01 18 1932
Description: Pierceville Mothers' Club players in costume for the play "Sons of Soil," taken on the stage of the Sun Prairie parish hall after the group won the first D...

Aunt Mary Gives a "Corn-top Bread" Lunch

Date: 11 22 1931
Description: Aunt Mary putting on a "Corn-top Bread" lunch in the Orpheum Theatre N.U.A. room. Seated left to right: Dave Genaro, Lizzy Wilson, Tom Harris, Annie Hart, ...

Orpheum Stars

Date: 08 05 1931
Description: Two Orpheum stars with Mrs. Nina Westbury. They are standing in front of flags.

East High School Play Cast

Date: 03 26 1931
Description: Group portrait of East High School play cast for "Sherwood" in costume on stage.

East High School Latin Department Play Cast

Date: 11 03 1930
Description: East High School Latin Department, with the large play cast on stage, for the bimillenium celebration of Vergil's birth. They were staging a play adapted f...

Dane County Theater Group Champions

Date: 02 01 1930
Description: Group portrait of Dane county theater group champions on stage holding a painting.

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