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Cast and Crew

Date: 04 20 2012
Description: Group portrait of the cast, crew and extended family of David Marcou for the Pulitzer-nominated play "Remembering Davy Crockett," at the end of the world d...

At the Movies

Date: 10 2013
Description: The movie "Vertigo" playing on a big screen in a darkened movie theater. The scene captured by the camera is of a woman walking along a the edge of the bay...

Shailene Woodley

Date: 04 03 2016
Description: Actress Shailene Woodley standing behind a podium and addressing the crowd at the Bernie Sanders rally held in the Kohl Center. A sign on the podium bears ...

Rosario Dawson

Date: 04 03 2016
Description: Actress Rosario Dawson standing behind a podium and gesturing while speaking at the Bernie Sanders rally held in the Kohl Center. A sign on the podium and ...

Rosario Dawson and the Crowd at the Bernie Sanders Rally

Date: 04 03 2016
Description: View over the large standing audience surrounding the stage at the Bernie Sanders rally held at the Kohl Center. Many people in the crowd are holding up po...

Shailene Woodley and Rosario Dawson

Date: 04 03 2016
Description: Actresses Shailene Woodley (left) and Rosario Dawson (right) standing at the podium and addressing the audience of the Bernie Sanders rally held in the Koh...

Afternoon Matinee at Home

Date: 10 14 2014
Description: View of the interior of a private home. The foreground is dark, except for the television screen which is showing a woman. The subtitles of the movie read:...

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