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Orpheum Stars

Date: 08 05 1931
Description: Two Orpheum stars with Mrs. Nina Westbury. They are standing in front of flags.

Film Still of "The Clodhopper"

Date: 1917
Description: Film still exterior of a group of people at a picnic. A man is holding a bear with a chain in the center of the image. Booths can be seen in background, on...

Film Still from "The Clodhopper"

Date: 1917
Description: Film still of a group outdoors at a Fourth of July picnic. A man is chasing a small pig in the center of a group of people.

Film Still of Picnic in "The Clod Hopper"

Date: 1917
Description: Film still of a picnic in "The Clod Hopper". Spectators are at a mule-riding attraction. There is a man on a mule in a enclosure, while a second man in a c...

Obey and Audrey Hepburn

Description: Actress Audrey Hepburn, then a representative of UNICEF, visiting Wisconsin Congressman David R. Obey in his office. She was in Washington to testify on be...

Shailene Woodley

Date: 04 03 2016
Description: Actress Shailene Woodley standing behind a podium and addressing the crowd at the Bernie Sanders rally held in the Kohl Center. A sign on the podium bears ...

Rosario Dawson and the Crowd at the Bernie Sanders Rally

Date: 04 03 2016
Description: View over the large standing audience surrounding the stage at the Bernie Sanders rally held at the Kohl Center. Many people in the crowd are holding up po...

Tercentennial Celebration, Green Bay

Date: 07 1934
Description: View across lawn towards people standing in front of a large theater stage and backdrop with trees drawn on it. Some are costumed as soldiers and some as N...

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