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A Theatrical Production at a Displaced Persons Camp

Description: Portrait of a man and a woman performing in a theatrical production at a displaced persons camp; Germany. Saul Sorrin was interviewed as part of the Wiscon...

071 - Campers Posing for a Scene in a Dramatic Activity

Description: Three campers pose for a scene in a dramatic activity. They are dressed in costume. One camper stands, wearing a cape with a hood, gesturing with her left ...

072 - Paul Bunyan Pageant

Date: 1941
Description: Scene from pageant, with many campers in costume acting out the story of Paul Bunyan. The group is posed sitting and standing outdoors in a sunny, grassy a...

073 - Cast of Paul Bunyan Pageant

Date: 1941
Description: Group portrait of the cast of the Paul Bunyan pageant. All of the campers are in costume, and are arranged in a semi-circle around some of the implements u...

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