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Cesar Chavez Speaking

Date: 1975
Description: Cesar Chavez speaking while standing in front of a United Farm Workers banner commemorating the unionization of workers at a flower nursery on October 22, ...

Workers Gathering at Cucumber Receiving Station

Date: 1967
Description: Workers gathering at a cucumber receiving station after striking.

Strikes in Wisconsin were organized by the Obreros Unidos (United Workers),as an indepe...


Legal Counsel before WERC Hearing

Date: 1967
Description: Jesus Salas, left, is leader of Obreros Unidos (United Workers), Wisconsin's migrant farm workers' union. In the center, legal counsel David Loeffler and o...

Striking Farm Worker Displays Union Button

Date: 1967
Description: Farm worker Conrado Lopez, on strike against Libby, McNeill & Libby, displays his "Huelga! — NFWA" union button with its trademark black eagle symbol in a ...

Salas Interpreting for Workers' Compensation

Date: 1967
Description: Jesus Salas, right, is the leader of Obreros Unidos (United Workers), a Chicano migrant workers' rights group started in the 1960s for the improvement of w...

Cesar Chavez in Wisconsin

Date: 1967
Description: Cesar Chavez, the leader of United Farm Workers, is standing at the center of the photograph surrounded by members of the press. Behind him is a photograph...

Bancroft Union Softball Game

Date: 1967
Description: Obreros Unidos (United Workers) migrant farm worker union members at a Bancroft baseball game. Children sit on top of the dugout to watch. Adult men are st...

Harvesting Tomatoes in Rio Grande Valley

Date: 1970
Description: Migrant farm workers harvesting tomatoes in the Rio Grande Valley.

Obreros Unidos (United Workers) grew in Wisconsin during the 1960s and had deep roots ...


Bancroft Obreros Unidos Strikers

Date: 08 24 1967
Description: Elevated view of 150 workers rallying as a part of Obreros Unidos (United Workers) protest against poor working conditions of migrant farm workers in the S...

Pre-March Rally at Waushara County Courthouse

Date: 1966
Description: A crowd of migrant workers, children and nuns attending at pre-march rally listening to Jesus Salas, union leader, speak in front of the Waushara County Co...

Demonstration Signs

Date: 1969
Description: Obreros Unidos (United Workers) demonstrators painting signs at a Milwaukee rally. In the background, a man is painting the National Farmworker's (NFW) Azt...

Transporting Migrant Workers

Date: 1970
Description: Chicano migrant farm workers being transported to a field on a cold Texas winter morning on the back of a truck.

This photograph is a part of Wisconsin-n...


Salvador Sanchez Addressing Workers

Date: 1967
Description: Standing on the hood of the car in a striped short-sleeved shirt and sunglasses is Salvador Sanchez, an organizer for Obreros Unidos (United Workers), a Wi...

Crowd Listening at Wautoma Rally

Date: 1966
Description: A crowd of migrant workers listening to speakers at an Obreros Unidos (United Workers) rally in front of the Wautoma Courthouse. The rally's purpose is to ...

Elderly Farm Worker Taking Oath

Date: 1967
Description: Jesus Salas, right, is the leader of Obreros Unidos (United Workers), a Chicano migrant workers' rights group started in the 1960s for the improvement of w...

Farm Worker Gives Oath

Date: 1967
Description: Jesus Salas, center, is the leader of Obreros Unidos (United Workers), a Chicano migrant workers' rights group started in the 1960s for the improvement of ...

Salas and Sanchez Leading March to Madison

Date: 08 15 1966
Description: 30 marchers of Obreros Unidos (United Workers) march from Wautoma to Madison on Highway 21 to petition lawmakers to hold farms and food industry corporatio...

Father Garrigan Giving Pre-March Mass

Date: 08 15 1966
Description: Father Michael Garrigan in the background wearing a white robe and glasses holding 8 a.m. mass at St. Joseph's Church with 30 marchers before a Obreros Uni...

Rev. Barry Shaw

Date: 1966
Description: Reverend Barry Shaw, of the Wisconsin Council of Churches, speaks at the microphone addressing a rally in Wautoma. Behind him are Jesus Salas and Salvador ...

Huelgista in Cambria

Date: 1969
Description: A Huelgusta (striker) against Fall River Canning Company with Obreros Unidos (United Workers), standing with a crowd. She is wearing round earrings, a blac...

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