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War Bonds Advertising Poster

Date: 1949
Description: Advertising poster for International trucks promoting United States government bonds. Features a color illustration of an International K-line truck pullin...

World War II Scrap Drive

Date: 1943
Description: Poster for International Harvester dealerships promoting the collection of scrap metal for use in war production. Features caricatures of Adolf Hitler and ...

World War II Scrap Drive

Date: 1943
Description: Poster for International Harvester dealerships promoting the collection of scrap metal for use in war production. Features an illustration of a smiling sol...

World War II Victory Garden Poster

Date: 1943
Description: International Harvester poster promoting "Victory Gardens" and war bonds. Features an illustration of a family working in a field while the father shakes h...

Both Working for Victory

Date: 1943
Description: Poster of a woman driving a Red Cross truck and a woman on a Farmall tractor with the text "Now farm work is war work," and "Join the Farm Victory Voluntee...


Date: 1942
Description: World War II poster of a bloody dagger with the text, "Remember... and they will stall our production too. If they can." The advertisement was printed for ...

All Harvester Products Are War Products

Date: 1942
Description: Poster showing a tank and an Inernational Harvester combine (harvester-thresher) with the text "All Harvester products are war products...either for offens...

Your Job Is Your Gun

Date: 1942
Description: Poster featuring illustrations of a worker chasing caricatures of a Japanese soldier (possibly Hideki Tojo) and Adolf Hitler, and a soldier firing a machin...

Your Tools Are Weapons

Date: 1942
Description: Poster showing a factory worker hitting a caricature of Adolf Hitler on the head with a tool. Includes the text: "Your tools are weapons... take care of th...

Both Are Weapons

Date: 1942
Description: Poster showing a tank and a tractor, with the text: "Both are weapons our farm and fighting forces depend on you." The poster was printed for the Labor-Man...

Wear It Proudly

Date: 1942
Description: Poster showing a line of factory workers with a larger image of a "production soldier" behind them. Includes the text: "The badge of the production soldier...


Date: 1942
Description: Poster showing men whispering to each other, with caricatures of Adolf Hitler and a Japanese soldier (possibly Hideki Tojo) in the background. Includes the...

Keep Well to Win!

Date: 1942
Description: Poster showing a man eating a balanced meal and getting plenty of sleep in order to help win the war. The poster was printed for the Labor-Management Produ...

World War II Scrap Drive

Date: 1942
Description: Advertising poster encouraging citizens to salvage their scrap metals for the war. Features an illustration of a scrap metal "man" hitch-hiking a ride from...

World War II Scrap Drive

Date: 1942
Description: Poster promoting the use of scrap metal for war materials. Features illustrations of guns, tanks, ships and other armaments that could be produced using sc...

World War II Scrap Drive

Date: 1942
Description: Poster promoting the collection of scrap metal for use in war production. Includes an illustration of a farmer and International Harvester dealer dumping a...

Food-For-Freedom World War II Advertising Poster

Date: 1943
Description: International Harvester advertising poster promoting the "Food-for-Freedom Program." The poster urges customers to replace worn parts, and service, clean a...

Governor Heil's MacArthur Week Poster

Date: 1942
Description: Poster advertising a World War II scrap drive effort sponsored by Wisconsin Governor Julius Heil. The effort was known as "MacArthur Week" and took place b...

American Red Cross Recruiting Poster

Description: World War II-era recruiting poster for the American Red Cross showing an armed U.S. soldier in a trench smiling and holding a cup of coffee. A male and a f...

War Poster Promoting Farm Jobs

Description: Poster depicting a young shirtless man pitching hay with text that reads: "Put your muscle on a war basis! Sign Up For A Farm Job ... at your local U.S. Em...

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