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Indian Utensils and Arms, objects 1-18

Date: 1832
Description: Indian Utensils and Arms. An engraving illustrating 18 various objects used in ceremonial and daily life of American Indians.

Washinga Sahba's Grave on Blackbird's Hills

Date: 1832
Description: Engraving of Indians on horseback along river with Indian grave on hill in background.

Wahk-Tä-Ge-Li, a Sioux Warrior

Date: 1832
Description: Engraving of Wahk-Tä-Ge-Li, a Sioux Indian in warrior dress.

Fort Pierre on the Missouri River

Date: 1832
Description: Black and white engraving showing landscape with Fort Pierre and Indian tipis along the Missouri River.

Horse Racing of Sioux Indians near Fort Pierre

Date: 1832
Description: Horse racing of Sioux Indians near Fort Pierre. Three Sioux Indians on horseback in foreground and Fort Pierre in distance.

Funeral Scaffold of a Sioux Chief near Fort Pierre

Date: 1832
Description: Funeral of a Sioux Chief near Fort Pierre.

Abdih-Hiddisch (A Minatarre Chief)

Date: 1832
Description: Abdih-Hiddisch, a Minatarre Chief, posed holding an ax.

Punka Indians Encamped on Banks of the Missouri

Date: 1832
Description: Punka Indians encamped on the banks of the Missouri River and canoeing in river.

Pachtüwa-Chtä, an Arrikkara Warrior

Date: 1832
Description: Pachtüwa-Chtä, an Arrikkara Warrior.

Mándeh Páhchu (A Young Mandan Indian)

Date: 1832
Description: Mándeh Páhchu, a young Mandan Indian.

Noápeh, an Assiniboin Indian

Date: 1832
Description: Noápeh, an Assiniboin Indian, holding a bow and arrows, and wearing a horned headdress.

Offering of the Mandan Indians

Date: 1832
Description: Offering of the Mandan Indians, showing human and animal skulls.

Interior of the Hut of a Mandan Chief

Date: 1832
Description: Interior of the hut of a Mandan chief showing various objects and animals with five Mandans seated on ground.

Idols of the Mandan Indians

Date: 1832
Description: Mandan Indian standing before an idol.

Dog-Sledges of the Mandan Indians

Date: 1832
Description: Two dog-sledges hauling supplies, with one also carrying a Mandan.

Winter Village of the Minatarres

Date: 1832
Description: Scene showing Minatarre Indians moving about their village during the winter season.

Scalp Dance of the Minatarres

Date: 1832
Description: Minatarre scalp dance ceremonial gathering.

Tombs of Assiniboin Indians on Trees

Date: 1832
Description: Tombs made by Assiniboin Indians in trees.

Barman — Andre

Date: 1932
Description: Andre bartending at John & Jean's.

A Skin Lodge of an Assiniboin Chief

Date: 1832
Description: A skin lodge of an Assiniboin Chief. The engraving includes a man on horseback and a dog harnessed to a travois.

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