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Map or Atlas

Map of Calf Pasture on the Great or West River

Date: 1744
Description: A map of a plan of 16,500 acres of land.
Map or Atlas

Hemisphaerium Coeli Boreale

Date: 1745
Description: Zodiac as seen from the Northern Hemisphere.
Map or Atlas

Hemisphaerium Coeli Australe

Date: 1745
Description: Zodiac as seen from the Southern Hemisphere.
Map or Atlas

From Dayton To Wheeling

Date: 1790
Description: Map of the region surrounding Dayton, Ohio showing rivers and other settlements, with a table of distances from Cincinnati to Dayton and to points outside ...
Map or Atlas

Map of Region West of Virginia

Date: 1754
Description: Map of region west of Virginia.
Map or Atlas

Map of Wisconsin-Minnesota Region

Date: 1769
Description: Manuscript map. Scale: about 80 British statue miles to 1 inch.
Map or Atlas

Partie Occidentale du Canada

Date: 1776
Description: In French: "Partie Occidentale du Canada et septentrionale de la Louisiane avec une partie de la Pensilvanie." A map showing graticule and six European sca...
Map or Atlas

Carte de la nouvelle republique de l'Amerique ou les treize provinces unies

Date: 1790
Description: Contenant: New Hampshire, Massachusetsbaye, Rhode Island, Connecticut, La Nouvelle York, Nouvelle Jersey, La Pensilvanie, Les Comtes de Newcastle, Kent et ...
Map or Atlas

Map of the Northern Part of the United States

Date: 1798
Description: Uncolored. No scale. One of the earliest maps to show the proposed division of the northwest territory into states.
Map or Atlas

A Map of the British and French dominions in North American with the Roads, Distances, Limits, and Extent of the Settlements

Date: 1755
Description: From "A map of the British and French dominions in North American with the roads, distances, limits, and extent of the settlements".
Map or Atlas

Wisconsin and Minnesota

Date: 1733
Description: From "A map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish settlements adjacent thereto". This is the Wisconsin and Minnesota section.
Map or Atlas

British dominions in North America, according to the treaty in 1763

Date: 1772
Description: Scale: about 180 miles to 1 in.
Map or Atlas

Map of English and French Territories in North America

Date: 1755
Description: Color map of North American territories owned by the English and by the French. Scale: about 115 milles d'Angleterre to 1 inch. French title is "Carte des ...
Map or Atlas

A Plan of the Straits of St. Mary and Michilimakinac

Date: 1761
Description: A plan of the Straits of St. Mary and Michilimakinac, to shew the situation and importance of the two westernmost settlements of Canada for the fur trade. ...
Map or Atlas

Map of Battle of Black's Fort

Date: 07 04 1776
Description: Hand-drawn map of the area where the Battle of Black's Fort took place.
Map or Atlas

Map of United States

Date: 1784
Description: Map of The United States of America according to the Treaty of Peace of 1784.
Map or Atlas

Map Detail of Pennsylvania Counties

Date: 1775
Description: Detail of Pennsylvania map showing Chester, Philadelphia, and Bucks counties.
Map or Atlas

Plan of Captain Carvers travel in the interior parts of North America in 1766 and 1767

Date: 1778
Description: Hand-colored. London, 1778. Coordinates: W 99⁰--W 83⁰/N 49⁰--N 41⁰. Scale [ca. 1:3,500,000]
Map or Atlas

Partie occidentale de la Nouvelle France ou Canada / Par Mr. Bellin, ingenieur de la marine.

Date: 1755
Description: Hand-colored. Paris: 1755. Scale [ca. 1:3,000,000].
Map or Atlas

Planisphaerium Terrestre

Date: 1745
Description: A two page world map featuring the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, as well as the northern and southern zodiacs. Additionally, the map is ordained with nu...

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