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First Methodist Church Easter Pageant

Date: 04 20 1935
Description: First Methodist Church, 203 Wisconsin Avenue. Easter pageant, with large group of actors in costume in a scene on "stage" in the chancel.

Martha Washington Tableau

Date: 02 22 1932
Description: The John Bell Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution present a tableau of Martha Washington's life at the Hotel Loraine for the bicentennial o...

Children's Nativity Scene

Description: Children acting in a live nativity scene at St. Michael's Home. The five children represent the three wise men, Joseph, and Mary, and are gathered around a...

Women's Club of Madison Presents "Man and His God"

Date: 04 16 1957
Description: Madison Women's Club presents an original play "Man and His God" to raise money for scholarships. Appearing as Adam and Eve (left) are Richard Aukerma of 6...

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