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Buffalo Hunt, Chase

Date: 1844
Description: Indians on foot and horseback hunting buffaloes (Plate 7).

"The buffalo is a harmless and timid animal until severely wounded, or closely pursued, when i...


Buffalo Dance

Date: 1844
Description: Ceremonial Indian dance (Plate 8).

"All tribes have their medicine songs particular for the hunting of each animal they choose to go in pursuit of, and b...


Buffalo Hunt, Surround

Date: 1844
Description: Indians on horseback hunting buffaloes (Plate 9).

"Some sixty or seventy young men, all mounted on their wild horses, and armed with bows and lances only...


Buffalo Hunt, White Wolves Attacking a Buffalo Bull

Date: 1844
Description: A buffalo surrounded by wolves (Plate 10).

"There are several varieties of the wolf species on the American prairies, the most numerous and formidable of...


Buffalo Hunt, Approaching in a Ravine

Date: 1844
Description: Hunters using rifles to kill buffalo (Plate 11).

"This plate represents the familiar mode of procuring meat, practiced by all the voyageurs on the Missou...


Buffalo Hunt, Chasing Back

Date: 1844
Description: Buffalo chasing hunter with rifle on horseback (Plate 12).

"The wounded and chafed bull often turns upon its assailant, and runs him back, over the whole...


Buffalo Hunt, Under the White Wolf Skin

Date: 1844
Description: Indians disguised as wolves hunting buffaloes (Plate 13).

"Of the white wolf and its habits I have given an account in Plate 10, and although these anima...


The Snow-Shoe Dance

Date: 1844
Description: Indian dance on snowshoes. (Plate 14).

"In the northern latitudes of America, where the winters are long and very severe, from the heavy falls of snow wh...


Buffalo Hunt, On Snow Shoes

Date: 1844
Description: Indians on snowshoes hunting buffaloes immobilized by snow (Plate 15).

"In this plate is illustrated the mode alluded to in the preceding page, of the In...


Wounded Buffalo Bull

Date: 1844
Description: Buffalo wounded by spear or arrow in the snow (Plate 16).

"The reader has here, a striking illustration of the deadly effects of the Indian's arrow, and ...


Dying Buffalo Bull, in Snow Drift

Date: 1844
Description: Indians on snowshoes hunting buffaloes trapped in snow (Plate 17).

"In this view the reader is introduced to the optimum of dreariness and severity which...


The Bear Dance

Date: 1844
Description: Indian dance, with some wearing bear masks (Plate 18).

"Next in importance to the buffalo hunts, and not less exciting and spirited in its character, is ...


Attacking the Grizzly Bear

Date: 1844
Description: Indians on horseback trying to kill a bear (Plate 19).

"The preliminaries of the hunt for the Grizzly Bear having been settled in the manner described in...


Antelope Shooting

Date: 1844
Description: Indian with rifle in prone position hunting antelope (Plate 20).

"The antelope of the prairies and Rocky Mountains of America, which I believe to be diff...


Indian Lacrosse Players

Date: 1844
Description: Indians with ball-playing equipment, believed to be used in the game of Lacrosse. (Plate 21)

"In devoting a few of the last pages of this work to some of...


Ball-Play Dance

Date: 1844
Description: Choctaw Indians performing dance (Plate 22).

"As I have mentioned in former pages that for nearly all their hunts, wars, or games, the events of which th...


Ball Play

Date: 1844
Description: Large group of Indians engaged in the game of lacrosse (Plate 23).

"Having in the two former illustrations and their chapters, explained to the readers t...


Archery of the Mandans

Date: 1844
Description: Mandan Indians engaged in archery competition (Plate 24).

"The meeting represented here is something like that of an Archery Club in the civilized world,...


Chief Wi-Jun-Jon

Date: 1844
Description: A portrayal of the effects of contact with whites on the Assiniboine chief, Wi-Jun-Jon.

(Plate 25). "In offering this illustration to the reader, I am re...


Portrait of James Horlick

Date: 03 10 1909
Description: Drawing of James Horlick (1844-1921), was done by Sir Leslie Matthew Ward (1851-1922). Under the pseudonym "Spy," Ward contributed portraits of famous peop...

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