Saukie and Fox Indians | Print | Wisconsin Historical Society


Saukie and Fox Indians

Saukie and Fox Indians | Print | Wisconsin Historical Society
Hand-tinted plate depicting Sauk and Fox Indians on a beach near St. Louis drawn by Karl Bodmer, engraved by Vogel, printed by Bougeard, published by J. Holscher in Kablenz, Ackerman and Co. in London. From "Travels in the Interior of North America," by Maximillian, Prince of Wied Newied.
Hand-tinted plate depicting Sauk and Fox Indians on a beach near St. Louis drawn by Karl Bodmer, engraved by Vogel, printed by Bougeard, published by J. Holscher in Kablenz, Ackerman and Co. in London. From "Travels in the Interior of North America," by Maximillian, Prince of Wied Newied.
Image ID:4519
Creation Date:date unknown
Creator Name:Bodmer, Karl, 1809-1893
Collection Name:
Original Format Type:prints, fine-art
Original Format Number:PH 66 (5), plate 10
Original Dimensions:14 x 11 inches
Part of a portfolio of 18 hand-colored mixed process engravings depicting Native Americans. Another version engraved by Rawdon, Wright & Hatch is cataloged as Image ID: 4520.
Sauk Indians
Clothing and dress
Fox Indians

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Location:Wisconsin Historical Society Archives, 4th Floor, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research Citation
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