Map of the Mineral Lands Upon Lake Superior Ceded to the United States by the Treaty of 1842 With the Chippeway Indians | Map or Atlas | Wisconsin Historical Society

Map or Atlas

Map of the Mineral Lands Upon Lake Superior Ceded to the United States by the Treaty of 1842 With the Chippeway Indians

Map of the Mineral Lands Upon Lake Superior Ceded to the United States by the Treaty of 1842 With the Chippeway Indians | Map or Atlas | Wisconsin Historical Society
This map shows lakes, rivers, Chippewa land, the U.S. Mineral Land Agency, boundary between U.S. and Canada, Methodist and Catholic missions, and American Fur Company locations. The Western half of Lake Superior, including parts of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota are covered. Relief is shown by hachures. The bottom right margin reads: "This map was compiled partly from explorations made in 1844 by the Mineral Land Agency at Copper Harbor, under instructions from the Hon. W. Wilkins, secretary of war, from information received from miners and other explorers, and partly from a map published by the ’Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge’. Drawn under the direction of Genl. J. Stockton ..." The top left margin includes a mounted label that reads: Map accompanying report of A. B. Gray -1845- Senate Doc. 175, 28th Cong. 2d Sess., Vol. XI, Serial No. 461 doc no. 175." Bottom right margin includes a mounted label that reads: "Wisconsin exhibit 106."
This map shows lakes, rivers, Chippewa land, the U.S. Mineral Land Agency, boundary between U.S. and Canada, Methodist and Catholic missions, and American Fur Company locations. The Western half of Lake Superior, including parts of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota are covered. Relief is shown by hachures. The bottom right margin reads: "This map was compiled partly from explorations made in 1844 by the Mineral Land Agency at Copper Harbor, under instructions from the Hon. W. Wilkins, secretary of war, from information received from miners and other explorers, and partly from a map published by the ’Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge’. Drawn under the direction of Genl. J. Stockton ..." The top left margin includes a mounted label that reads: Map accompanying report of A. B. Gray -1845- Senate Doc. 175, 28th Cong. 2d Sess., Vol. XI, Serial No. 461 doc no. 175." Bottom right margin includes a mounted label that reads: "Wisconsin exhibit 106."
Image ID:116582
Creation Date: 1845
Creator Name:Gray, A. B. (Andrew Belcher), 1820-1862.
Collection Name:Map Collection
Genre:Map or Atlas
Original Format Type:prints, photomechanical
Original Format Number:H GX909 1845 G
Original Dimensions:26 x 44 cm., on sheet 41 x 51 cm.
Accompanies: Report from the secretary of war, communicating (in compliance with a resolution of the 15th instant) a report of John Stockton, superintendent of the mineral lands on Lake Superior, with map, &c. March 19, 1845 ([Washington, D.C.], 1845).
Superior, Lake
Fur trade
Apostle Islands
Madeline Island (Wis.)
Land companies

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Location:Wisconsin Historical Society Archives, 4th Floor, Madison, Wisconsin

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