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Author Appearance

Read Wisconsin - Enslaved, Indentured, Free: Five Black Women on the Upper Mississippi, 1800-1850

Mar 21 :: Upper House :: Madison
Upper House welcomes author Mary Elise Antoine to its Read Wisconsin book series
Author Appearance

Meet Janet Newman, signing copies of her new book Letters from Clara: One Intrepid Woman's Travels on the Eve of War, 1936-1939

Mar 22 :: Undercover Books & Gifts :: Christiansted, St Croix
Undercover Books & Gifts welcomes author Janet Newman, signing copies of her new book about YWCA member and world traveler Clara Pagel
Virtual Events

Wisconsin Book Club: Letters from Clara

Mar 23 :: Online Webinar ::
Join Wisconsin book lovers for this discussion on the thrilling story of Wisconsin traveler Clara Pagel.
Onsite Experiences

Hearthside Dinners: German Menu

Mar 25 :: Wade House :: Greenbush
Step into Wade House's historic kitchens and whip up some old fashioned German recipes.