Using the Wisconsin Historic Preservation Database | Wisconsin Historical Society

Resource Description

The Wisconsin Historic Preservation Database (WHPD)

Access Information

Using the Wisconsin Historic Preservation Database | Wisconsin Historical Society

The State Historic Preservation Office is open for research Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Appointments to use the WHPD database are strongly encouraged. Access to files and appointments are subject to SHPO staff availability. 

About the Wisconsin Historic Preservation Database

The State Historic Preservation Office is the official state repository for collecting, managing and preserving information about historic buildings, archaeological sites, burial sites, and archaeological surveys in Wisconsin. We manage and make this information accessible online in the Wisconsin Historic Preservation Database (WHPD). Records are added and revised on a daily basis to ensure that your research is up to date.

WHPD gives users access to these four databases:

  • Archaeological Report Inventory (ARI) – contains summaries of archaeological investigations at archaeological and burial sites.
  • Archaeological Sites Inventory (ASI)  contains information about archaeological and burial sites, unmarked cemeteries, marked cemeteries and cultural sites.
  • Architecture and History Inventory (AHI) – contains basic information on historic buildings, structures, and objects. Most records include exterior images.
  • National Register of Historic Places (NR) – contains information for historic properties listed in the State and National Register of Historic Places including nomination PDFs.

There are three options, described below, for authorized researchers who would like to request access to the WHPD database.

Three Ways to Access WHPD

WHPD Online Subscription

An annual license to access WHPD is available for subscription fee. With this license, the registered user can use the WHPD website to search all three inventories and view complete records, images, and maps of historic properties. The WHPD subscription is priced according to the number of users registered within an organization:

Access LevelNumber of UsersPrivate CompaniesPublic Agencies
Project (2 weeks)1$100$50
One Month1$250$125
Six Months1-5$800$400
One YearSole Proprietor$750N/A
One Year1-5$1500$750
One Year6-10+$2000$1000
THPO 1-10N/A$0









PLEASE DOWNLOAD OUR NEW REGISTRATION FORM. Requests submitted on old forms will not be accepted or processed.

To purchase a license, please complete the registration form and the license agreement and email to Amy Wyatt. Credit card payment instructions will be provided after completed forms are accepted. Payment by check must be mailed to State Historic Preservation Office, 816 State Street, Madison, WI, 53706. User account information will be provided via email after payment is received. If you have questions concerning the registration process, please contact Amy Wyatt.

WHPD Access Terminal

Authorized researchers can make a free appointment to use the database in person at the SHPO office by contacting Amy Wyatt at


Customers can also request GIS data as a subscription or for a single use. The data sets available are the Archaeological Sites Inventory, the Archaeological Reports Inventory, and the Architecture and History Inventory and are provided in ArcGIS shapefile format in the WTM83, NAD83 (1991) coordinate reference system. (Note: We do not release the locations of sites located on federally recognized tribal lands). 

GIS Custom Data SetPrivate Companies Public Agencies
 Custom data set up to 5 counties $250 $125
Custom data set over 5 counties: $250 + $100 per additional county up to $1500 $250+ $125+
 GIS Data SubscriptionsPrivate CompaniesPublic Agencies
 Custom data set up to 5 counties with quarterly updates $500 $250
Custom data set over 5 counties with quarterly updates: $500+ $100 per additional county $500+ (Max $1500) $250+ (Max $1000)

To request GIS data, complete the License Agreement for Digital Geographic Datasets and data request form. 

PLEASE DOWNLOAD OUR NEW DATA REQUEST FORM. Requests submitted on old forms will not be accepted or processed.

Please submit the forms by email to Felipe Avila.

Upon receipt of your request, the GIS Coordinator will begin working on your order and will contact you directly with any questions. Credit card payment instructions will be provided after completed forms are accepted. Payment by check must be mailed to State Historic Preservation Office, 816 State Street, Madison, WI, 53706. GIS data will be provided after payment is received. 

Learn More

Have Questions?

Contact Amy Wyatt by phone at 608-264-6506 or by email below: