About the Local History Outreach Program | Wisconsin Historical Society

General Information

About the Local History Outreach Program

Support and Services for Local History and Cultural Groups in Wisconsin

About the Local History Outreach Program | Wisconsin Historical Society

Wisconsin was the first state in the country to emphasize the power of local history. Since 1898, because of dedicated community leaders across the state, the Wisconsin Historical Society's network of local history partners has grown to over 400 organizations and nearly 60,000 members and is written into the state's statutes as a vital responsibility of the Society.

The Society's Local History Outreach Program supports a diverse community of local history organizations throughout the state. Our local and regional partners are invited to:

Additionally, the Society encourages all non-profit community history and cultural organizations, including publicly funded museums and tribal museums, to consider formal affiliation to access additional services. For more information on the benefits of affiliation, click here.

Explore ways to connect with the Local History Outreach Program and local history experts across the state by clicking here.

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Janet Seymour
c/o University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
105 Garfield Avenue, Hibbard 728
Eau Claire, WI 54701-4004
Phone: 715-836-2250