About the Genealogy-Family History Book Award | Wisconsin Historical Society

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About the Genealogy-Family History Book Award

Submission Guidelines

About the Genealogy-Family History Book Award | Wisconsin Historical Society
Enlarge Passover Supper.

Passover Supper, 1945

Close-up group portrait of Abe and Sarah Mintz's family gathered around the dining room table for Passover supper. View the original source document: WHI 13055

The Wisconsin Historical Society and the Wisconsin State Genealogical Society invite nominations of published genealogies detailing the history of Wisconsin families. One award will be given each year.


  • Genealogy must have been published in the calendar year preceding the award
  • Genealogy must be at least 50 pages long
  • Genealogy must cover more than one generation
  • Genealogy must show substantial Wisconsin interest or connection

Award Criteria

Nominations will be evaluated by the following criteria:

  • The quality and depth of research and documentation (inclusion of more than just names, dates, and places)
  • Accounts should include activities, achievements, and personalities of individuals described
  • The attractiveness of presentation and ease of use (do the illustrations, table of contents, index, tables, etc., contribute to the quality of presentation?)

Due Date

March 10 of each year (postmarked or delivered)

How to Apply

Nominations must be submitted on the nomination form (PDF, 12 KB). One copy of the book nominated should accompany the nomination form. Self-nomination is permitted.

Books submitted will be retained for the collection of the Wisconsin Historical Society if a copy is not already in its library. Note: If a copy of the book is already in the collections of the Wisconsin Historical Society Library, indicate that fact on the nomination form; it is not necessary to send a second copy.

Send applications to:

Wisconsin Historical Society
Attention: Lori Bessler
816 State Street
Madison, WI 53706-1482

Awards are initially reviewed by a committee of judges appointed by the Society and then approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Curators. The presentation of the award will be made at a time and location convenient to the recipient. Books published by the Wisconsin Historical Society and the Wisconsin State Genealogical Society are not eligible to receive awards.

Past Award Winners

Read about the recent Genealogy-Family History Book award winner.

A listing of past winners is available CLICK HERE.

Have Questions?

For more information, contact Lori Bessler by email, by phone at 608-264-6519, or by writing the address above.