Restoring Your Wisconsin State Historical Marker | Wisconsin Historical Society

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Restoring Your Wisconsin State Historical Marker

Restoring Your Wisconsin State Historical Marker | Wisconsin Historical Society
EnlargePhotograph of a state historical marker for the Radisson-Grosseilliers Fort, mounted to the side of a log cabin.

Two-Post or Flatback Markers

The cost to refurbish a two-post or flatback marker is $1,200.

EnlargePhotograph of the Wisconsin State Historical Marker for Kemper Hall with chipping paint.

City Markers

The cost to refurbish a city marker is $800.

All marker applicants agree to be responsible for maintenance of the marker in perpetuity. Although built to last 50 years or more, Wisconsin's state historical markers do need to be restored from time to time. Below, please find contacts and estimated pricing for marker restoration work.

If marker ownership is in question, please contact Historical Markers Program Coordinator Fitzie Heimdahl at 715-471-0770 or

Chipping or Failing Paint

For those who would like to see their markers repainted, SEWAH Studios, the manufacturer of all of Wisconsin's State Historical Markers since 1951, offers that option.

The cost to completely refurbish the two-post or flatback marker is $1,400. The cost to refurbish the city-type marker is $900.

These prices include round-trip shipping and delivery. Repainting by SEWAH Studios in Marietta, Ohio, ensures that the original colors of tobacco brown for the field and ivory cream for the letters and trim will be retained. Keeping historical marker colors consistent is key to their recognition and identity.

For more information or to arrange for the restoration of your state historical marker, SEWAH Studios can be reached by phone at 888-55-SEWAH or by email at

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Fitzie Heimdahl
Historical Markers Program Coordinator